20150710_122613Okay so this is what I like to call ‘office hair’, I use the term lightly because I’m pretty sure I wear it like this everyday! I just can’t deal with hair in my eyes! How am I meant to see O_o

This hairstyle is great because my curls just do their own thing; they’re out the way, piled up high in a ‘lopsided pineapple’ as my Granddad likes to call it haha.

I love my hair because its just SO adaptable, I say… wait, what about this? … A couple pins and scrunchies later, WALLAHHHHH!

OMG. That reminds me… scrunchies are my ONE WAY/GO TO/EXPRESS TRAIN/NO FIRST CLASS ticket to life! Seriously, I’m not quite sure where I would be without them. I never truly ‘tie’ my hair up, I just wrap the scrunchie around once and create a little messy bun of curls on the top of my head. Then I fiddle and rearrange my curls to make them look a little more organised,

So there you have it, my office hair



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